Citation Information
Thompson, L., Isbell, P., Kephart, M., Patterson, W., Boling, J . The Impact of Academic Transformational Mentoring in an Online Nursing Program . (2023, July). IABS Business Journal Edition 6 (pg 58-73) Iabs Publishing. DOI #10.70229/BHOJ7539
Academic Transformational Mentoring (ATM) is a new concept developed through the experiences of mentoring nursing students in an online competency-based program. Its development came from recognizing a need to help students grow academically, as well as professionally, and personally. Concepts from mentoring, transformational coaching, and social-emotional learning (SEL) were foundational to this process. This article features case studies to highlight the application of ATM to students and faculty. The findings indicate that there is growth in confidence of students and faculty, students generalize ATM to professional applications outside of their academic journey, and faculty build an awareness of the impact and implementation of ATM.
Key words: Academic, Mentoring, Transformational, Coaching