Citation Information

Heinzman, J., Perez J. (2016, October). An Exploration of Millennials “Attitudinal and Behavioral Differences”. IABS Business Journal Inaugural Edition (pg 16-41) Iabs Publishing. DOI 10.70229/HTVJ3782


Research has focused on the Boomer generation throughout the latter part of the 20th century and early 21st century. Limited studies have been done on the millennial generation and the X generation has for the most part been ignored. This study gathers research results based on the Millennials in an effort to examine the attitudinal and behavioral differences between the Millennials and the Boomers with little focus on the Xers. The results indicate that the proposed research model is, for the most part, supported and that the generational variances occur at the values and characteristics levels and not at the independent/dependent variable level with the exception of the millennial treatment of attitudinal organizational commitment. In conclusion, there are management actions required to plan for the value and characteristic variances.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, turnover, organizational commitment,
employee engagement