Citation Information

Perez, J. The Value of Ethical Leadership. (2018, July). IABS Business Journal Edition 3 (pg 38-49) Iabs Publishing. DOI # 10.70229/ZVIW1296


The purpose of this paper is to address the value of ethical leadership. A review of the literature demonstrated that ethical leadership adds value by improving organizational citizenship and output. The literature also demonstrated that globalization had introduced cross-cultural factors that impact how ethical leadership is perceived across cultures.  Hofstede’s cultural dimensions help to explain the ethical differences across cultures. To help minimize the conflict which arises from different ethical perspectives across cultures, scholars have proposed developing a universal set of shared ethics. However, a review of the literature uncovered a gap in future research to be focused on how universal ethics can best be accepted in light of competing ethical principles across cultures.

Key words: Ethical Leadership, Cross-Cultural Ethics, Global Leadership