Citation Information

Heinzman, J.R.  Candlelight Philosophy (2017, July). IABS Business Journal Edition 2 (pg 2-8) Iabs Publishing. DOI # 10.70229/RYKU5089


The ideals of ethics and morality depend on intent. We have choices which are driven by our beliefs and morals, we may either do good or evil. Is society driven by Nietzsche’s idea of levels of bad or more idealistic and moral. What is morality, is it as Kant theorized, moral is carting out the intention of what the individual states. Bakhtin theorized that ethics and norms are based on an interplay of known and anticipated actions. Business organizations must be cognizant of direction and perception of the public to their actions. Corporate Social Responsibility is not just a statement it is the reality of the organization’s values and norms.

Keywords: Values, Perception, Kant, Ethics, Morals, Transparency